domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2018

Meeting Ottawa

Hi kids!!
Just walking around the city the Memorial Day, really important for canadians.
Memorial Day commemorates the brave efforts of the province's veterans, particularly those who participated in World War I.
The remembrance poppy is an artificial flower that has been used since 1921 to commemorate military personnel who have died in war, and represents a common or field poppy, Papaver rhoeas.

Remember Ottawa is the capital of Canada.

7 comentarios:

  1. Hola Ana qué tal estas soi Leo lo Estoi pasando mui bien chao asta otro dia

  2. Te echamos de menos, soy Darío y tuve un esguince en el pie y ya se me curó y ya voy al cole Dario me encanta lo que trabajas en el cole Ana. besos, besos, besos Dario.


Thanks for all of your lovely commets

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