martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

Here and there

Hellooo my dear students

It's seven days left to see you again! I am happy here but I am looking forward to going home right now! Too much time without "my chiquitines"

These weeks in Featherston School I have been thinking of you! Wondering how you'll be if you would live here in Canada with the snow and this way of living. Probably enjoying a lot and missing a lot of things from Spain too.
Here there are a lot of people from different parts of the world, they came to Canada to look for a better life and they are really happy here because they feel respect
as they answer me when I ask them. Yes, I met kids from Iran, Syria, Marruecos, Kenya, Turkey and even some of them from Spain (Izan and Erik) and it's so good to see them sharing their cultural experiences and backgrounds!
I am going to show you some of them

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