miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2018

Visita da madriña de Gael

Hoxe Gael de 2 A presentounos a súa madriña Cati e como é fisioterapeuta contounos moitas cousiñas moi interesantes para coidar a nosa espalda, cómo sentarnos Ben, ir no coche con seguridade e moito máis.
Moitas Grazas Cati e Gemma a mamá de Gael por vir. Encantounos.

martes, 11 de diciembre de 2018

De excursion polo museo

Hoxe fumos á fundación Abanca a ver, sentir e interpretar cuadros moi relacionados coa musica e gustounos moitisimo

De volta

De volta e tan contenta co Ben que me recibiron os chiquitines de 2B
Temos moito que retomar

domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2018

Last days here

I'll be there soon. This last week was nice but hard because I miss my daily routine in Spain. But I did  soooo many things that I'd like to tell you with more details once there with you.
I saw several museums, Natural, Art and maybe tomorrow History.
But one thing that it was such an incredible experience was visiting Wildlife OMEGA park with animals that we normally don't see and I don't know if I' ll see them again. Probably not: Cariboos, deers, boars, bears, wolves, mooses, squirrels, turkeys...

Thanks Carol for sharing with us such an amazing day.

miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2018


Eric, is from Toledo and he has been living in Ottawa for 2 years, he still loves eating "tortilla" and showing me one of his favorites books.

Oh Canada!

Every single morning all the students stand up and sing together with  joy this song. I'll try to record them singing if I am allowed to do it.

My Presentation

Miss Jacob

martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

Time to write

Today I am writing a lot because last week I couldn't but I also have read all your comments!! Thank you soooo much!! It meas a lot to me!! I miss you!!

Un pouquiño de galego tamén vai ser necesario que fai moito que non o falo!
Primeiro: Graciñas a todos polos vosos comentarios!! Deseando vervos!! Mañá intentarei mandarvos un vídeo dende o cole ainda que no se pode ás veces!!
Espero que esteades a traballar moito, como xa sabedes teño xa ganiñas de volver e comprobar o ben que ledes, sumades, restades, debuxades... e o mais importante o súper ben que vos portades. Teño que subir a miña presentación aquí en Featherston cosa que me presento e falo de vos, moitos dos menos e nenas me preguntan cómo vos chamades e están caladiños escoitando os vosos nomes! Hai dous nenos de Toledo e failles ilusión falar conmigo xa que somos os únicos que sabemos falar español en todo o cole!Imaxinadevos canto tiveron que esforzarse por entender todiño en inglés ou francés. O mais complicado aquí é o dichoso autobús que funciona regulan e hai que esperar na parada con este tempiño que teñen!! Jijiji a parte do fácil que é confundirse de rúa porque se fai pronto de noite e todas as casiñas son moi parecidas. Teño moitisima sorte cosa miña familia (my hosts) son súper acolledoras, Luz and Nida procedentes de Filipinas. Xa vos contei e contarei pero o que mais me está a gustar deste país é o ben que acolle a todo o que aquí ben!! Temos que aprender deles!!

Alégrame saber que Dario xa está estupendo, que Leo me escriba tanto, tamén Eva coa súa mamá e Izan e que Nico descubrise o blog en familia!!
Creo que non me sequecin de ningún comentarista!
A parte quería felicitar a Claudia que ainda que xa pasaron moitos días esquecin felicítala! E non me acordo se hai mais aniversarios custo agora pero creo que non.
Moitas grazas profe Mónica por ler a blogue cos pequerrechos!!

Espero que vos guste!!

Unha gran aperta da profe Ana ou Miss Jacob como me chaman aquí.

Vou intentar subir a miña presentación.

Santa is coming

I didn't tell you that I saw Santaaaa, Santa Claus!! The real one! And I told him about you, don't let me down!!
This was one of his Elfs!! Sooo cute!!!

Amazing Falls

Just awesome! Nothing more to say!

Meeting Toronto and Niagara Falls

In order to make the most of Canada, we are always in a hurry! Going here and there to see more and more. This last weekend we went to Toronto and Niagara Falls. Toronto it's not my cup of tea but Niaga deserved the effort we made.

There are just a group of us.

Here and there

Hellooo my dear students

It's seven days left to see you again! I am happy here but I am looking forward to going home right now! Too much time without "my chiquitines"

These weeks in Featherston School I have been thinking of you! Wondering how you'll be if you would live here in Canada with the snow and this way of living. Probably enjoying a lot and missing a lot of things from Spain too.
Here there are a lot of people from different parts of the world, they came to Canada to look for a better life and they are really happy here because they feel respect
as they answer me when I ask them. Yes, I met kids from Iran, Syria, Marruecos, Kenya, Turkey and even some of them from Spain (Izan and Erik) and it's so good to see them sharing their cultural experiences and backgrounds!
I am going to show you some of them

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2018

Some pics

In Quebec City 

Students working in class

In Montreal 


Here again!

Hi my dear "chiquitines"

Sorry!! I have been sooo busy! Not only at Featherston School observing everything but also meeting Montreal and Quebec. Amazing cities, in both they speak French regularly but of course English too.
I am enjoying a lot but honestly I miss you a lot, trust me!!

The weather is very cold! -14 degrees, so the landscaping is really nice like in postcards but on the other hand It' s hard to walk, in fact it's easy to fall down because of the slippery pavement. I am still ok but you never know!! By the way, I hope Dario is ok right now, Mónica told me that you had seemingly sprained your ankle.

I'd like to show you more pictures of the kids but I can't because of their privacy, just some of them working in the class, playing soccer outside... some of my weekend in Montreal and Canada and .... in a hockey stadium supporting Senators.

I am trying to learn and I hope to do my best here.


Miss Jacob

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018

First day at School

Today it was my first day in Featherston School, Jeff is the ESL support teacher who is running my program and who gently showed me the school.
I've just been observing everything: building, classes, teachers, kids, methods...
To be honest, what really impressed me was the kids good behaviour, I wish I could show you how well they listen carefully and respect the ground rules.
But it was my first day!! Let's see tomorrow


domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2018

Meeting Ottawa

Hi kids!!
Just walking around the city the Memorial Day, really important for canadians.
Memorial Day commemorates the brave efforts of the province's veterans, particularly those who participated in World War I.
The remembrance poppy is an artificial flower that has been used since 1921 to commemorate military personnel who have died in war, and represents a common or field poppy, Papaver rhoeas.

Remember Ottawa is the capital of Canada.

Presentaciones padlet