miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2018

Visita da madriña de Gael

Hoxe Gael de 2 A presentounos a súa madriña Cati e como é fisioterapeuta contounos moitas cousiñas moi interesantes para coidar a nosa espalda, cómo sentarnos Ben, ir no coche con seguridade e moito máis.
Moitas Grazas Cati e Gemma a mamá de Gael por vir. Encantounos.

martes, 11 de diciembre de 2018

De excursion polo museo

Hoxe fumos á fundación Abanca a ver, sentir e interpretar cuadros moi relacionados coa musica e gustounos moitisimo

De volta

De volta e tan contenta co Ben que me recibiron os chiquitines de 2B
Temos moito que retomar

domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2018

Last days here

I'll be there soon. This last week was nice but hard because I miss my daily routine in Spain. But I did  soooo many things that I'd like to tell you with more details once there with you.
I saw several museums, Natural, Art and maybe tomorrow History.
But one thing that it was such an incredible experience was visiting Wildlife OMEGA park with animals that we normally don't see and I don't know if I' ll see them again. Probably not: Cariboos, deers, boars, bears, wolves, mooses, squirrels, turkeys...

Thanks Carol for sharing with us such an amazing day.

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